dog and ownerThe single most important decision that you make for your furry companion is the food that you feed them!  It either supports health and longevity, or it doesn’t!!  It really is that simple.

If your doctor told you to eat a particular cereal, exclusively, 2-3 times per day, forever, would you do it?  What if that doctor insisted that this highly processed cereal would provide you with all the nutrients you need for a long and healthy life, would you believe that doctor??  Probably not, yet we believe it about our pets.  Why??

We pour the same dry, shelf stable, highly processed, grain and carb rich food into their bowls, day after day without even thinking about it.  Then we are surprised when they, inevitably, develop health issues.

What if I told you that making some simple changes to their diet could make a world of difference in the wellness of your best friend??  What if I told you that, in many cases, their daily dose of medicine is actually in the bowl you put in front of them??

There are so many ways to improve the diet of our pets.  Sometimes that means adding fresh or targeted toppers to their existing food.  It can also mean rotating the kibble/canned, and not feeding the  same brand and/or same protein for years on end.  It can also mean committing to simply 1-3 wholesome meals a week, either raw or gently cooked. Or, you can go all out, and make drastic changes, completely committing to a rotation of proteins and brands of raw and gently cooked options!  No matter what, we are here to help!!

Your pet is a special part of your life, but always remember, that you are all of theirs!!  Don’t they deserve the best?   Visit us at Fruffy’s and start giving your best friend the best chance at a long and healthy life!!